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Student Health Center

Welcome to the Student Health Center!

Our full-time school nurse is Mrs. Christine Ledwith during student school hours. Mrs. Ledwith is here to provide first aid and support to students who become ill or injured during the school day or who need health maintenance for a chronic or acute medical condition. Please notify our nurse of any health issues, diagnoses, and/or medications that could affect a student’s social, academic, or physical activities while at school. Mrs. Ledwith can be reached at 267-946-0974 or via email at

If a student becomes ill, she must receive permission from her teacher and use the classroom nurse pass before reporting to the infirmary to sign in. The nurse will assess the health needs of the student and if necessary, call home to parent/guardian to be picked up. A card will be administered that will be signed by the parent upon returning back to school. The student will remain in the nurse’s office until a parent can pick them up and the student will sign out at the front office and be dismissed through the front doors.

If the nurse is not in her office the student must report to the Front Office for direction and assistance.

If a student is unable to return to class after one period, the nurse will call a parent to take her home.

The school nurse is responsible only for emergency care of injuries and sudden illnesses which occur while the student is in school. When at all possible, the parents are responsible for transporting the ill or injured student to her home, doctor or hospital.  For other concerns such as doctor appointments, late arrivals or needing to leave school early a note must be provided prior to these scheduled events.

Parental/guardian permission and the nurse’s assessment are needed to allow a student to drive home. Students who do not feel well may rest in the nurse’s office for 15-20 minutes. If the student still does not feel well the student will be sent home.

A health history update and the medication consent form should be updated yearly. These documents are available below and are sent out with the end of the year report cards. Any over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Advil, and TUMS can be consented to by a parent or guardian. The medication consent form must be signed by both a parent/guardian and a licensed prescriber in order to receive any prescribed medications from the nurse. All prescription medications needed during the school day must be on the medication consent form and the medication should be in the original prescription bottle in order to be administered by the nurse. No student may take any medications, including over-the-counter medications, without the nurse being informed and the medication consent form being completed for each school year.

If your student receives any vaccines please send a copy in with your student or email a copy to our nurse.

Yearly State Mandated Health Screenings are performed by the nurse. All students will have height, weight and vision screened, additionally Juniors have hearing screened.

Per the PA Department of Health, all students entering the 11th grade must have a physical exam done. All students in the state of Pennsylvania must be up to date with their immunizations per PA immunization requirements for students.

School Forms